Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Born from Colliding

«asexual reproduction»
Life may be created, while a sperm meets an egg; a new universe could be made, while particles collide then explode.

The colliding of two objects is not a problem, but to make sparkling collision, there are two ways for learning:

Two beams of protons on the runway of LHC (Large Hadron Collider developed by international cooperation) are crashed face to face at almost the speed of light; only if elementary particles H0 are spilt oout, a micro universe could be born.

However, unlike The Flash without accelerating from the start, the proton has to be gained the speed from LINAC (31% of speed of light), then PS (99.9% of speed of light), further SPS (99.999% of speed of light) and lastly sprinted by LHC.

sexual reproduction
Couple on the path of sexual reproduction, sperms from balls (testes) travel along the snake-like duct to the Customs (vesicle) and take a rest; while passing through the Customs, they are pushed out to an opening with the speed of cannon.

And now, the vaginal marathon, the cervical steeplechase and the uterine maze are consecutively beginning, after that, about 0.001% of sperms would go along another small path (tube) to ovary.

sexual reproduction
Finally, only one quota for admiting to the egg, those clashing against the wall should be unlucky, and the one finding the entrance is upgrated into a kaleidoscopic level to reincarnate an embryo.

On observation from the way of collision, asexual reproduction tends to meet force with force, in contrast, when sexual reproduction is like soft landing.

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