Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Science Development

The existence itself just is born and died along within its own cycle.

Currently, Science is busy on tracing the mutual relation of “ever existed”, and achieving however the evolution of new viruse affected by no antibiotic.

Indeed, through an old module how to adapt in the new mutual relation, when a new existence and its new cycle are creating.

Moreover, just as exploring the meaning of life, looking for “why” is no help letting the existence have its substantial value.

Finding solutions by Science: let the positive happily foster growth and, the negative play the hunger game.

However, many existences have been in place and every single is forward seeking its own survival, then, how to ask the negative to deny its existing and painfully exist?

Stephen Hawking (2010/09/09) believed that God has nothing to do with The Universe birth; here to speak: scientists are only a part of existing roles after that birth.

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