Thursday, September 16, 2010

Association of Chile earthquake

«Earth rotation»
The Earth has cut 1.26 ms off per day NASA estimated, when Chile suffered an 8.8 earthquake on 2010/02/28.

From the view of kinetics, this blue ball should be shrunk little to mke rotating speed up slightly.

However, why can the ball itself rotate and keep rotating such long periods? especially, it need not be charged.

Moreover, how can a pellet circle a big ball and keep the strength of circling? there is nowhere to find power supply.

Perhaps by limited life experience without any developing this kind of electricity, we may say like that: The weight of balls exuded charm is attracting each other.

When the solar wind is incessantly blowing, the blissed pellet, like the roof ventilator, is rotating unconsciously.

At the same time, the pellet revolving round the big ball, like two ice-skating dancers, touchingly circle their own world.

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