Thursday, September 1, 2011

Invention of Money

«fascinated lady»
The so called invention has to include three characteristics: novel, progressive and useful.

God created heaven and earth, wherein all creatures rest on themselves, under free supply of sunlight, air and water, to coexist with another and mutually profit their need.

Human beings, named children of the lord, build the market, and further freely mask anything with a price, but what are these sons or daughters really doing?

puzzled tortoise
According to the examination standard of patent:

released gymnosophist
First for progressiveness? the rich make big money by mouthing and posing, the poor deserve no pay by working as a beast of burden.

Second for any super usefulness? let the rich plug capital gaps from future-money of the poor repaying.

Third for a tiny of novelty? beyond the biological thinking is a modern realm of without living on no money.

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