Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jellyfish Robot

«jellyfish robot»
U.S. Viginia Tech Univ. issues a device of jellyfish shape with “bone”.

Wherein, the skin dips in water to have power to let the skeleton contract and then bounce back to original.

flying jellyfish
Therefore, the device is capable of swimming kick, titled as Jellyfish Robot.

Our site also construct one aeromarine jellyfish machine without battery for reference: Solar umbrella with a propeller.

Wherein, the skin dips in sunlight to have power to let the propeller rotate.

living jellyfish
Therefore, the machine is capable of moving forward, even jumping out from water, titled as Flying Jellyfish.

Currently, there still has a new development for anybody taking a try.

Let a raincoat dip in and then fill up water, and test whether it is capable of shaping out as a living jellyfish.

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