Saturday, September 8, 2012

Human and Timespace

«an ancient king and a salesgirl»
Go past many places in life, or else, many lifetimes pass by a place.

The science, using the relative speed of movement, combines time with space into an indescribale 4-dimension body.

However, when thinking about how many places to visit in a day or how many minutes to hang around in a place,

we probably will not want to run forward with a fast pace, and let a day get longer or a place get smaller.

an old and a new building
Well, what is the theory of relativity in our lives?

We can walk along the timeline, and relatively, we may walk along the spaceline.

We can stay on a place to let time flow away, and relatively, we may freeze a time to let places pass through.

Therefore, we and our place will overlap the characters and scenes in different eras.

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